Friday, April 30, 2004
I hate Michelle Saram (spelling not sure but i dun give a fuck!)
She is too disgusting, it's a disgrace she's a S'porean
Hate the way she smile
Hate the way she giggle that fake giggle of her....
The way she like to give a big, white fake smile....
I just feel like going up to her and slap her a thousand times!(if i can reach her fucking face)
*ah bish* x100
Ya, she is pretty. But that's ony when she's not smiling and laughing. And i'm not prejudice, lotsa people i noe have the same thinking...
Just a word -- Fake
It's a torture to see her face on TV, and now there are 2 series with her inside, i just wanna puke. It's such a nice series, then she come along and spoilt the WHOLE thing. *cringe*
Tat's all, i keep having her face floating in my head. SCARY!
--Signing off at--
4/30/2004 11:18:00 AM
Thursday, April 29, 2004
Mahjong Nite
Mahjong is such a strange thing. It has the power to hook people. The more one play, the more one wants to play..... The one is ME. ^__^
Best, my buddy Fiona is having mahjong itch too. So can look forward to ANOTHER session.
But felt so guilty, Bee is so stress up. And there I am, playing my heart out.
I'm late. This post should be done yeaterday. But i'm too tied up. First mahjong, then home to hit the sack for 5hrs. Follow by tuition then school to clear my locker. Then i tore a nail and head on to manicure. It's 9 when i'm home again....
So here i am.... with the pictures of mahjong day

The mahjong

Popiah stuff. So heavenly....

Girls in action!

My popiah! Half eaten.. hee!
Credits go to Mel's popo, Who made excellence dessert & bee hoon. Keeping us well-fed for 20hrs!
Thank You Popo!
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4/29/2004 01:39:00 PM
Tuesday, April 27, 2004
I did alot of things... Could classify it as a fruitful day.
-I visited the wholesaler of nail art thingy, and spend $50+ there.(it's cheaper by 20%!)
-Took a long bus journey without feeling sick (seldom)
-Book our spa package in Bintan (sooo exciting!!)
-Discover an alley full of bridal shops with unique gowns
-Went back Tanjong Pagar market to have Annie's Peanut ice-kacang
(i miss my Moneyworld frenz!)
-Went shopping
-Bought and gave Canice her present
-Head on to Alley Bar for 2 glass of margaritas (tat sum how look likes 2 piles of poo..), and found out a horrible secrets on our nanny!
See? Hell lot of things done...
Today? Today is mahjong day. Popping to Mel's house later for a pig-out feast and have my hair crimp by the hairstylist (name Mel), then proceed to MAHJONG. Yippeee!
Sad to say, Yoyo's not accompanying me to today's mahjong session. Coz it's an overnite thingy. And yoyo is too young. Mummy says her curfew is midnite... So poor yoyo gotta stay at home and be a good watchdog. (a watchdog that sleeps whole nite...-_-")
Then come tommorrow, will pack up and get serious into STUDYING.
It's afterall, my Study Week...
But now,
enjoy the photos...
--Signing off at--
4/27/2004 11:45:00 AM
Monday, April 26, 2004
Hero - a person who is admired by many people for brave deeds.
This is the definition of Hero my dictionary gave me. Is this true?
People say that to be name a hero means you are dead
people say hero is the first to die
People say hero are brave
Most of the 911 Heros are six feet under ground
Our Nicoll highway hero is 9 storey under ground
I had read Tuesday's Straits times, all the way till today's. Just so that i could follow the phrase of the collapse of nicoll highway. I can still remember the horror when i first got the news. MY DAD was working on there. Thank goodness he's at the other end of the nicoll highway.
I felt so sad for the deceased families. I had never thought that my dad's job would be dangerous. To me, he just drive a dipper. So his job was just to transport soil from place A to B. And it had fed me well this 20 years. Now guess what, 2 of the 4 who died was squash by a dipper.
But not the hero, he had gone in deep to save people who are trapped, not knowing there is NO ONE trap. In the end, he never make it out. I pity the 2 children and the wife. Once sheltered, they are left to face the harsh reality of life. I hope they can be strong for each other.
It's sad that the search for him was called off for fear of further collapse. But i think his soul in heaven might understand. Afterall, he died trying to prevent death. So he would not want people to died for him.
Hope he rest in peace.
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4/26/2004 12:19:00 AM
Saturday, April 24, 2004
Alone, Bored & Hungry
Blogging at Bee's house rite now. I'm wrecking my brains on ideas of how to entertain myself. I had finish reading today's newpaper, and this month's her world mag.
It's infuriating to think that he brought me home just so that i could watch him study for his test, which coincidentally, falls on the same week of my exams. And pls take a look at both of us. One is playing hard, one is studying hard. Concrete prove that opposite attracts when it comes to love.
Well, all is not lost. At least i get to watch "Dawn of the dead" tonight. So exciting, i watched the trailor when i was buying tickets just now. Scary.
Looks like this blog is coming to end.
Haiz~, better thing of other things to do.....
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4/24/2004 06:03:00 PM
~Mahjong Nite~
Haiz, it's so late. Send home Mel, Irene & Elyna after 2 round of mahjong. Lost $2. Just rest enough to bath, paint my nails, and load my photos to my Zorpia & fotopage. It's been a hectic day for me (mahjong ends at 12:30AM). It's after all,
+ Last presentation day (say bye bye to canteen foods)
+ Last day of school (technically)
+ Mahjong Day
+ manicure day (not people do for me, but vice versa -_-")
So, hey, i won't say much. My cam is back from its sick leave. So i can afford to treat all u readers to sum pics! Have a look! It's soooo late.
I'm now looking forward to my study week nest week. I'm going to RELAX til wednesday, then start studying at Thursday.
Boy, i'm such a good girl, start studying so early, i usually start the nite before...
Ok, enough. click

to view Poly pics!
--Signing off at--
4/24/2004 03:21:00 AM
Thursday, April 22, 2004
Starhub Sux!
Starhub cock-up again. last nite, a few of my friends who were using Starhub online, together with me, experience connection break down. Argh!
Hate it.
Okay, so this blog is suppose to be published last nite. So...
Here u go.
Sick, and one hammy gone
Haiz~ My illness had evolve from just cough to cough, stuffy nose, and throat full of phlegm...
Not bad enough?
I lost my voice, and had a major presentation tommorrow.
(which means today)
-_-" (want to box the air but no energy)
Today Lynn n Jer came to collect my female sapphire today. So wierd, i actually like the male one more. But as i put her into the box Lynn bring, my heart ache. I had saw it survive being eaten and squashed by then mum, and grown ears, fingers, strips and finally, independent.
Does it feel the same way when a mother marry off her daughter?
My mummy is at home whole day with me. I'm so happy. It's been a LONG time since we are at home together. To think tat i use to take it for granted when she is still housewife. But now, it's a TREAT. I even did a nail art for her. New design from the mag. She likes it very much. Say it suit aunty like her. Should i be happy? -_-"
I feel like a kid, back to the arms to mummy.
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4/22/2004 12:01:00 PM
Tuesday, April 20, 2004
The nicole highway collasped! And so do my immune system...
I love it when there is big news like this, coz they united S'porean. Everywhere u go, people are talking about the same topic. But it's very sad, coz usually there will be alot of casualties. In this case, one foreign worker die. My heart really go out to these foreign workers (only when they are not stripping u with their eyes... duh!) they leave their hometown, families, and friends to our land to seek better future for them and their families. I had seen some of them weeping while on the phone with their families.
GROWN man weeping. It broke my heart.
And about my immune system, i'm sick. Had bad cough.. (reallyx10 bad) *sob I got the virus from my student's sister when i went tuition yesterday. She had some homework she can't fix, so i helped. she repay me by sharing her virus with me. Thank you.
Haiz, now i can type, can't talk.
Worse, can't laugh. Coz it send spam of cough through your lungs n make me can't breath.
Now who says good deed will be return?
--Signing off at--
4/20/2004 11:13:00 PM
sooo late already.
I had just finish compiling whatever ppt slides i have, now waiting for huiying and limin's part... Let's just chat abit while waiting for them.... I'm so tired *yawn -_-zz
Well, it's been a hectic day. Slept at 2am last nite, wake at 8. Went to Habourfront to bring my camera to doctor. =( Doctor say the lens barrel jammed, so need to be hospitalise for 2 weeks.
Me: (wailing) NO!!! u can't make us seperate for 2weeks... how am i going to shoot pics of ALL the nice food i'm having and show off to my frenz... *sob
Doc: It's for its own good
Me: (sobbing pitifully) But, it's quite hard. We are so close...*sniff
Doc: (seeing me so pitiful, and oh, doc is guy. hee!) oh well, i try to get it done by 1week. But that's the fastest already. Is it alrite?
Me: Really? Ok, thanks... *sniff sniff
(inside: Yeah!!! I've got my way... AGAIN)
See? I've once again, make the world goes around me.... *nose 45degree tilted to the sky*
Ha! I might have add in some of my imagination. but hey, he really promise to get it done by 1 week!
Even congrats me for having the lens barrel jammed as it SELDOM happen. (Wat? should i pop champagne?)
*yawn* zzzzzzzzzzz
Bee's on MC today and hand around my house. He had sprain his ankles like the thousandths times... But who's complaining?
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4/20/2004 01:23:00 AM
Monday, April 19, 2004
NKF Charity?
Just watch NKF charity show, for all i know, i nearly thought that i'm watching some circus show. From Spidermen (as in the 6 hero at Bishan blk) to Cracking stones on stomach (as in tay ping hui) It's quite hard to believe that it's a charity show. But it's becoming a tradition. The
ren ci charity, president charity, and of coz, NKF charity, ALWAYS involve death/gravity defying stunts, lotsa tears and injuries.
Irony, the stars get hurt trying to get donations. In this case, isn't there be one less healthy person? Do u really think the injuries will heal? Like belinda who sprain her waist, if not enough care was taken, her waist will ache whenever it rain or when there is wierd weather (plenty in S'pore). Or other worse senerio... who knows, she MIGHT (emphasize. might) need the donations later in life due to this injury. Wipe that look off your face, IT MIGHT HAPPEN. duh.
Charity? Is that the meaning?
Dim Sum
Ate quite alot of dimsum today with Bee's family.
Guilty guilty guilty...
but can't resist...
--Signing off at--
4/19/2004 01:09:00 AM
Sunday, April 18, 2004
Saturday Times
Hey, no Fish & Co yesterday!! :( In it's place was Lips. Not that i'm complaining, but i still can't stop drooling after the picture of Seafood platter.... Even the brownie i shared with bee is not enough to compensate the loss of Seafood platter...
Watched Starsky & Hutch, laugh my head off! For all u out there who had watched, dun u think they are abit.... gay? Haha....
Alrite alrite, tat's all for now. If u'r lucky, i might blog again tonite. I'm on my way to eat dim sum! Dun envy!!! Yummy Yummy... *drool
P/s: no picture for the moment yet. camera on mc.. sob!!
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4/18/2004 12:38:00 PM
Friday, April 16, 2004
Shit! Our cheese are gone!!! Cheese Ng is my E-biz tutor. His name is
chee seng, thus he is called cheese ng by me. (he's ok w it!) Now he's gone and my lecture for this module are taking over the class. HE"S the reason why i had only attend 2 E-biz lecture. Not only is he TOO full of himself, he think he's smart too. SMART ALECK. And he's very shitty about rulez. Lanyard, no sleeveless clothes and slippers.
OK, so i forgot to bring my lanyard, i'm in a spaghetti top and slippers but SO WHAT? I'm here to study, and learn the fcuking Dreamweaver program (not that i have the choice) so just let me learn the hell with the rest.
Despite all these bad things, (i'm sure i have a halo above my head now) i saw some positive thing in him. HIS PASSION. For Cheese, it's always, come to class, be spoonfed through all the steps. (it's a very technical thing, no brain is needed) lala abit, then go home. There was no feelings attached. The fact that his funny face (think William Hung) never fail to entertain me was the driving force behind my nearly full attendance for his class. But for him, i saw his passion in parting his knowledge to us. His patience in answering our question and giving us some more tips as an extra. He even show demos!!
I guess there's always two sides to every coins.
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4/16/2004 02:15:00 PM
Thursday, April 15, 2004
3 good thing for me
1) I bought a oven toaster, can make cookies and french toast now! it's only $20. bought from a fair in school. Lung it all the way home in my formal office wear. Look ridiculous! But thinking on, I look like a modern women. Who can, as the chinese say "chu de liao ting dang, lu de liao chu fang!". Proud.
2) The presentation we had today was a success. Heard from a classmate that we got an "Good". She peeped. ^__^
3) Mel had jus confirm the popiah party! Yeah, we will go mel hse and stuff ourselves silly with popiah, and gossip the day away... *aunties' heaven
That's all for today.
still hav't finish my IEM project which must be handed up tml. Ciao~
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4/15/2004 12:02:00 AM
Wednesday, April 14, 2004
Passenger alighted
It's sad to know that after u had help a friend with all the good intention in u, only to find that it is not appreciated. I have always look friendship like a bus trip (
see here), and it's always conforting to know that some of the passenger i carry had the intention to go to the terminal. U noe who u are. ^__^
It's enough for me.
Well, life have to go on... For me, i do not like to brood on lost things. For u never know what tommorrow might bring. And as the saying goes, Tommorrow will get better.
End of Friends episode.
Before i start a new beginning, let me state this clear. This site belong to me, and me alone. It consist mostly of my thoughts of the day. So if i see a guy who tried to fart on the MRT and shit himself, i'll write about it. if i see an old lady, i'll write about me getting old. (horrified! saggy breast and wrinkled thing...). I do admit some of the stuff are real bitchy, and some are crude. But hey, it's my thought. I'm not out with cat claws.
most of the time, i even forgotten what i wrote about my previous blog.
So, sum my friend come to me, "hey, ur blog was funny, the hamster are cute" and i'm like "hrm...what did i write?"
I have learn a LONG time ago that one can't please everybody. so instead of me going around the world, i try to make the world goes around me.
OK, Start!
Today is the first time i held my baby hammies, their eyes are finally open... i had tear up sum mini corn on my hand and they begin to eat. seeing them stuffing food into the cheek pouch make my eyes teared. *sigh... Mysteries of Life...
Ya, and today is the first time i eat Ajisen Ramen... Can be expected to get the member card soon... *hungry now!!!

See pics here!!
--Signing off at--
4/14/2004 12:25:00 AM
Monday, April 12, 2004
Everyone judge everyone. And how do we judge? let's have an analysis...
Scenerio 1 *Action!
Gal is in a pub, wearing to kill with the boobs overflowing... complete with a face even angel with envy. She sit there alone sipping wine... Suddenly, a guy came through the door. Young, dashing and with a
sooo cute butt that none can resist pinching... *drool* of course, guy see gal, flash a killer smile and approach.... guy buys gal a drink, smile abit, talk abit, touch abit... and gal leave with guy....
What do u think? Slut? SPG? Yeah!
Scenerio 2 *Action!
Man after work, dragging his heavy feet home. And saw the neighbour's door ajar. Wierd, he think. today they are not quarreling(correct spelling?) curiousity win him over and he decided to take a peep. Gosh! he saw the wife dead on the floor, and husband was sitting beside her, staring into the wife's face. Now white as sheet. He scream...
What do you think? Husband kill wife after heated arguement? Yeah!
The gal and the guy in pub know each other. The gal is guy's best friend and the guy is G.A.Y.
Husband open the door and saw wife already dead on the floor. He's shock that he can't stop staring at his wife face. Now pale as sheet.
That's all! (dun laugh, it could happen, really)
All of us are born with judgement, and God program it in such a way that we judge according to what we see or know. It's not that one is being shallow just because he/she judge by surface. It's only human nature...
I once read from somewhere that first impression is form within 3 sec at the first meeting. 3 sec, how much do we know the person? Yet we are judging. We are not wrong, it's a form of self-protection. If the 1st impression is negative, we will be on guard and be wary of the person.
For me, i believe true judgement only happen when u die. So, to all living things out there, dun be afraid to be judged if u'r clean, held ur head high. For any sign of guilty conscious can be smelt miles away...
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4/12/2004 11:00:00 PM
Sunday, April 11, 2004
Hammy extension pack...
Bought an extension pack for my hammy cage. Initially only wanted to buy tunnel to link up the 2 cages, since now the babies had grown up, they need bigger space for 4 hammies. =)
Haiz, in the end, my series of cage from
Wild is still very new, launch last year november. So, they had not bring the tunnel to S'pore. (stupid rite? got cage no tunnel) So i bought this....
It's quite cool, look like a space station for hammies, and it got different ways of connection. So, when a hammy run, the wheel roll in circles in the bowl...
Check out the pictures!
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4/11/2004 11:37:00 AM
Saturday, April 10, 2004
Good Friday's happening...
As promise, i'm here to deliver the photos....
first of all.... Fish & Co--Seafood platter for 2!

Yummilicious! We finished every bit of it...
Conquered of the day...

Love the top! It had got my favourite! LACE!!!! The earring is nice too, sweet yet elegant. Suitable for casual & dinner (from Topshop). Bag is from Far East (Bee's so sweet, sponsor me $20 for it.) Nail art mag is the last copy, got it from MPH. =) HAPPY!

Close-up of earrings...
And my hammies...

Mummy in nest with kids.

The babies are now able to leave the nest. They oways escape, and the mum will DRAG them back when she sees them. Of the 2, the winter-white is more active than the Sapphire...

A sea sick ghost taken from Bee's T-shirt....
That's all folks!
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4/10/2004 02:37:00 PM
Friday, April 09, 2004
Good Friday
Today is the day that Jesus is crucified (spell this way?).
the movie Passion of Christ keep replaying in my mind. Esp that part where he was whip again and again and again.... ouch!
Well, thanks to him, the whole world is on holiday today. That's why i'll try and be good. =)
I'll be good
I'll be good
I'll be good
And treat myself (actually is bee's treat) to Fish & Co tonight. Yeah! Yummilicious!
Will post the photos tomorrow...
--Signing off at--
4/09/2004 11:56:00 AM
Speechless bad day
1) mum pull me out of bed and make me go all the way to wet mkt, which is like 2 bus-stop away to buy 1 fcuking packet of A1 curry powder. $1.80
2)Stupid retail tutor make everyone go to class early (3pm instead of 4) so that she can supervise us playing games on school computers.
3) Went to Bishan to buy nail art kit (Sat saw it selling at $45) and was VERY surprise to find it at $55. Ah lian salesgal insist it was selling $55 from day 1. (ya, in her fcuking wet dream)
4) Met a freaking ah pek on MRT, he plonk himself down in the middle of the floor. Sending everybody near him flying or avoiding him like like-pole magnets.
5)Stupid Export lesson ends at 9:30pm today. till now, my knowledge of this module is still at lec 3. Incoterm. and now is near end of school term. Great.
6) Had so much curry for supper that i'm sure i would have to spend a hundred years on a treadmill to burn off the calories.
Enough said.
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4/09/2004 12:30:00 AM
Wednesday, April 07, 2004
People use to say that waking up to a good hair day is a good sign that all things will be fine that day.
Today is good hair day for me. ^__^
Went for manicure today again. =) this time, i did some nail art on my hand (din like it very much, coz abit different fom the sample i see). And place orders for some of the equipments. Very soon, i'll be able to do nail arts.
So all u out there interested can contact me after next week. I'll charge very very cheap. $1 for express manicure (familiar?). Happy? It's call frenz price...
Even more happy is that bee had agreed to buy another nail art kit for me at $45 from Bishan. He said it's part of my birthday present.. =D I LOVE BEE! Yippeeee!!!
*jump ard, dance, sing, make funny faces*
Yeah! (^__^)V
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4/07/2004 11:43:00 PM
Tuesday, April 06, 2004
Unadorable people
It's wierd that some people just get on your nerve without stepping on your toes. This type of people is so unlikable and sometimes, disgusting, and most of the time they like to make a nuisance of themselves. No matter how much i force myself to see the positive side of them, i just can't like them. Even worse if they think they are CUTE. =X *puke
i had known some of the people in this category. there are 2 in my lec. group. (guess who!) althou they don't step on my toes, they dirty my eyes, make me cringe with disgust, and pollute my mind. Oh, and yes, they think they are CUTE. *cringe
Well, i'm no saint, but i'm sure these people will make devil SHUN them.
Enough about them, enjoy some pics i steal when mummy is not looking... ya, if u are kind enough, leave feedback to tel me if thumbnail on entry is prefered or chart (
like this one).
gotta find a way, my site have too much pics that it took forever to load. think so?
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4/06/2004 10:43:00 PM
Gambate babies, grow! my 2 precious baby hammies had grown ears, fingers and their bodies have turn black. the trademark strip that run thru their backs had appear. Of the 2, i'm certain i have 1 male. coz i saw the
arhem... u noe... =D
today got a shock, remember past entry where i complain about my brand mgnt test, i pass it by one mark. Phew! luckily it's on 10%. or i'll cry my hearts out.
tat's all now, will continue tonite.. Ciao~
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4/06/2004 05:02:00 PM
Monday, April 05, 2004
i had seen concrete prove that "LOVE BLINDS". it could blind a person so much that he/she is unable to see the REAL person that he/she is loving. So blinding that he/she is no longer able to see helpful friends, trying to pull her to safety.
My heart ache.. but does she know?
Sometimes, a wrong step taken in the name of love could have heavy consequences. Does she know?
--Signing off at--
4/05/2004 10:26:00 AM
Passion Of Christ. The passion is so great tat it wreck through every emotion available in me. Yes, i admit, by the time the movie ends, i'm quite shaken up. i teared, i sqeezed bee's hand, bee teared and sqeezed my hand, i bite my own hand, shut my eyes (no heart to watch animore)... It's been a long long time since i got so emotional, esp over a movie.... (dun ask me when is the last time, i forgotten it liao)
"Ah pa, forgive them, they dunno wat they are doing"
this is his words as they nail him onto the crucific, i could feel my heart BOILS...
As they torture him, my heart wept with his mother.... esp the 2nd weapon use, ugly side of human...
the movie is in French, but it did follow the bible quite acurately... Although i knew this story before i enter kindergarden, i never knew Jesus went thru SUCH pain to save us.
I've sinned, i think everybody does at some time, but the any heart to repent will open gate of paradise any time. this is conforting...
Ok,from now on, i promise not to swear "God damn it", i'll just say "Damn it". =) i'm good.
I'll not scold, shove or stare kids tat make a fool on the MRT. i'm good.
i'll not pretend to sleep if i saw kids eyeing my seat. i'm good.
i'll (try to)not bitch abt other people. i'm good.
i'll not try to hide unfinish food under the seat during buffet. i'm good.
i'll not try to fart and pretend it's the ah pek beside me. i'm good.
i'll not throw popcorn at the noisy couple sitting infront during movies. i'm good
i'll act envious when i c loving(or disgusting) couple on MRT. i'm good.
jus a little fact: when he's enduring the 2nd weapon...
the law at tat time state the maximum punishment for "whipping" is 37 times, but they whip Jesus 38 times. Every time he is whip, a kind of fatal illness is taken away from human.
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4/05/2004 10:13:00 AM
Friday, April 02, 2004
I'm so upset! I just went away for awhile (5hr to be exact--for the stupid e-biz test) and Sapphire went mad!! she sleep ON the babies, squashing 3. then ate one and a half. she left the half for my dinner. SICK! GROSS!
I'm so totally, utterly angry, pissed, upset with her!! Argh!!! (jump around, clunching fist, boxing the air)
now only left two *
sob sob then i think she oso got scare, she throw one among the sand in the bath house (i'm calling tat baby sandy) and one on the wheel..(yes, the baby is back on the wheel, it's name is wheely) then she herself sleep at the FAR FAR end of the cage. only going to them when feeding...
haiz~ i wash my hands off her... now tat only left 2 babies...
2 precious babies....
--Signing off at--
4/02/2004 06:46:00 PM
Finally i can breath. Wat a hectic april's fool day. i think all my pets are playing a joke on me. creating havoc at the same time, throw up, give birth.... phew!

Look! hammy babies! here only 2. it's abit blur... coz i have to take it quick before the mummy come...
the hammy mummy now seperated with daddy, staying in this cage.

she take her baby to the 2nd floor to nurse them. but she put it directly at the tube, so the babies, if wriggle (yes, they wriggle to move abt) too much will roll down the tube and end up at the 1st floor. (--")

daddy hammy live here. this cage is new, bought it yesterday @ serangoon. rush like siao to get to sch in time for lesson. now everything is OK liao. ^__^
As for yoyo, i think the culprit is the ikan billies, i din her anymore yesterday, and she din throw up liao
Phew! now it's my turn to relax, and study e-biz.. =(
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4/02/2004 10:00:00 AM
Thursday, April 01, 2004
OMG!!! Give birth liao!! so many, they are everywhere! i counted, i think there are 7 babies... they are red and look slimy...
i'm so scare... i'm worried that the mummy will eat them up!
Scare... Lost..... Excited....
I dunno wat i feel anymore.....
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4/01/2004 12:49:00 PM
I'm so worried! Yoyo had throw up two times since last nite. there are 3 suspects:
1) she manage to broke a kitty ball (those transparent balls w/tiny balls inside. make a racket when rolled) and ate ALL the tiny balls
2) i just bought a new tidbit for her -- ikan billies for dog. she luv it. but is it the culprit?
3) she see saphire pregnant get alot of attention, so she tried to act pregnant.. (-_-") (i dun think so leh...)
Well, i'll wait and see.
if she con't to vomit, i'll rush her to doc!
God, dun let anything happen to her ok.... *sad
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4/01/2004 10:32:00 AM