Monday, November 29, 2004
It's 8 o'clock, and i'm still in the office!!
I'm such a poor thing! *Sob*
-Looking forward-
To Singapore Idol this Wednesday (2 more days)
I'm no fan, but i'm curious to know if talent/popularity will win.
I vote for talent. What about you?
--Signing off at--
11/29/2004 08:09:00 PM
Sunday, November 28, 2004
Of coz, with the cool welcome kit!
*Included in the package:
--Free $80 Xmas Hamper from Grand Hyatt (courtesy of Singtel)
--Fifa voucher, Ladies bag for $19.90
--15% off Fifa voucher
--Card reader (SD card)
YEAH!!! *Dance around*
P/S: Should show off with some pics soon. What? I'm Haolian? Sue me, i'm just soo happy!!
--Signing off at--
11/28/2004 09:37:00 PM
Friday, November 26, 2004
I wish I wish I wish...
That the stock of 6260 will arrive Jurong Point sooner.
Hmm.... They are even giving away a FREE N6260 welcome kit, which include the Memory card reader!
Geez! I'm drooling!!
--Signing off at--
11/26/2004 10:00:00 AM
Wednesday, November 24, 2004
WARNING:This blog is for female species only
To all male: Read at your own risk. Further more, no complain would be tolerated from men. U have been warned.
Met with a small accident today. And an embarassing one, that is.
My period creep up on me... and caught me off guard. Not only was it unexpected, it was heavy as well. And guess what, it stain my pants!!
Not a nightmare, i'm fully awake. And terribly horrified.
I have an important meeting to attend today! *Panic*
--Signing off at--
11/24/2004 01:51:00 PM
Monday, November 22, 2004
Negative Feelings
Have a terrible headache whole weekend.
Plus all the negative feelings (Fat, hippo, broke, ugly, short, alone etc etc)
Equals to?
So let's just let the pictures do the talking for me...
Cafe Cartel
KTV Session
20th Nov is a very special day for me.
2 of my best friends' birthday...
Happy Birthday Mel!
Happy Birthday Xiaofen!
--Signing off at--
11/22/2004 10:51:00 AM
Thursday, November 18, 2004
I Can't Sit ; I Can't Sleep!!
Ladies & Gentlemen, May i announce to you:
I think i'm sick!!!
I'm now insanely obssess with

that even when i'm sleeping, eating, shitting, playing, working.... I'm STILL thinking about this bloody babe...
It's affordable. I only need to pay $388 after trade-in. BUT!!! I'm not going to rush... I need a strategy. This babe was just launch this month... So obviously,
I'm waiting..... until December.
Hope there will be Xmas Promotion.
Cross your fingers for me okay?
--Signing off at--
11/18/2004 10:36:00 AM
Tuesday, November 16, 2004
I Love Hari Raya, and Hubby's finally Contracted!
I love Hari Raya, First, it's because it's a holiday (and a long weekend this year!). Second, i love festive mood & atmosphere. Third and most importantly,
Every year this day, i'll wake up to the appetizing smell of randang and curry. Not to mention those comforting ketupat and goes so deliciously well with those curry... Hmm~ *drool*
How about sharing some of the pastries which i guard very protectively from my brother. . ^__^
By the way, Hubby's been officially contracted. Anyone wo's interested in doing CPF investment better do so. here's a change in CPF ruling, starting from 1 Dec, it is not as easy liao. So better grab the chance fast! >_-
Finally, and some pictures of Oreo and Mini oreos...
Snow White had just promote herself to a supervisory role. Day in day out, she kept a keen eye on these Mini Oreos... If you carry them out of the box, she will come after you and want you to put them back! Most of the time, she sleep outside the box to look after the kid, while Oreo feed milk or have a little break from the kids. So sweet!!
Mini Oreos haven't open their eyes yet. And they can't walk too. So, they "dry swim".. So cute. And they are always huddling together for warmth & comfort. Oreo is proud of them too!
--Signing off at--
11/16/2004 10:56:00 AM
Friday, November 12, 2004
Congratulation Oreo! I'm Looking Forward to baby showers.
Guess what, Oreo gave birth to 8 healthy babies last night! The contractions started at 11pm, but by mid-night, there's still no birth. In the end, she was sent to the Animal Hospital A & E department.
Thank goodness all mother & kids are safe after the caesareans op.
So, i'm on half day leave today, visiting Oreo and mini Oreo! Yeah!! ^__^
GoodBye Hammies
I had given away my hammies community over Deepavali holiday. *sob*
Surprise? I have no choice... :'(
Due to my hectic work schedule, the duty of changing the bedding and keeping their environment clean & nice lies with my brother.
How clean he keep the cage?
The cage stink of weeks old urine... My heart pain to see them in this situation. Even the bathing sands was not change for weeks! I use to change the bedding every week and every 2 days for bathing sands. So that their cages are smelling clean & nice.
So, when my mum's friend took fancy to my small community, i gave it ALL to her..
--Signing off at--
11/12/2004 01:18:00 PM
Tuesday, November 09, 2004
I'm having a blogger's block! =(
What should I write? I'm upset. Terribly upset.
Why must this happen?
My life is quite okay untill a recent change, or should i say, addition. NO, don't ask me here. If you ask me in private, i might tell you... Coz there's a risk that this blog's contain might leak to the offender's ears.
I felt like putting
=( all over the page...
Actually, there's something to be happy about, but somehow this issue brought down the good news. *Sigh!* The good news is that another of my recruit (and that's 5 in total! ^__^) had just pass M5 this morning, using half of the given time. And that he had decided to join MY company instead of the bloody Company A, who use underhand method and tried to cherry-pick!
Can someone buy me a candy to cheer me up? Some Royce's Chocolate will be nice...
--Signing off at--
11/09/2004 01:53:00 PM
Monday, November 08, 2004
DBS & M1 are so bloody inefficient
Had a nasty fright on Friday. My mum show me my handphone bill and it show *gasp* $248.65! Suddenly, my leg went weak, and i saw stars dancing around my head.
How on earth did i use so much of my handphone?
Hacking came into my mind. I had heard of handphone account hacking, but not sure if it's true. The hackers would hack into your account and used it for their own. I asked my brother, the IT-expert in the house, and he shot me a
(o_O?) look.
Got this type of hack one meh? He asked. I kicked him. IT-expert didn't know about this?
I called M1 to check. Turn out it was carried over from the previous 2 months. WIERD! I paid up FULL last month!But M1 insisted they did not receive any payment from me. But i still got the internet payment receipt, i insisted back.
The clever girl directed me to DBS. (She must be smirking on the other end, thinking she got her ass covered.) So, i asked for a delay of deadline, in case the bank need some time to check. Which she agreed.
DBS checked, and told me this transaction was not successful.
So why wasn't i informed?
If this was the case for internet payment users, i would urged ALL Singaporean to NOT use it anymore. You won't know what happen to your money. Idiot!
I hope these two company don't gie me anymore trouble, esp M1. Or else i'll TERMINATE my line. Don't try me ah!!!
What the Heck!!!
--Signing off at--
11/08/2004 02:12:00 PM
Friday, November 05, 2004
A Mini Escapade
Last night, the baby hamster had a little adventure. It escaped from its cage!! Luckily my mum saw, she screamed for me, at the same time, jump onto the sofa,and choking on the ice-cream she was having at the point of time.
That frightened the little thing, who scrambled across the giant living room (I've got a huge living room to them) and went hiding under the sofa, where my mum was seeking refuge. She gave another loud scream and fly to the dinning area, perched high up on the dinning chair.
By this time, you might had guess, my mummy is terribly afraid of these "
little things" (as she called them)
Yoyo tried to help by biting the hamster, but her head was to big for the little space beneath the sofa. In the end, she ended up looking like she's trying to dig a hole in the tiled floor. I did her a favor by carrying her to perched with my mum.
Thinking back, i think the whole thing was a joke. Mum on chair screaming, one hand taking ice-cream, the other carrying Yoyo, i'm trying to reach under the sofa, with my backside high in the air, the little thing, hiding under the sofa, refusing to come out.
Luckily, i came out with a plan to lure out the mouse. I stopped trying to reach it, seat on a little stool and pretended to watch TV. True enough, within minutes, it came scrambling out, across the living room (again) and, you guess, to the dinning room. It followed by another scream from my mum, with curses thrown in about how the little thing was doing it on purpose.. (o_o!?)
But this time, i'm prepared, just when it's about to reach my mum, i throw a cup over it (I think my mum woud probably throw the cup away after that) and caught it!
Turn out that the cage had a piece of metal popped out, might be due to the cleaning done by the cleaner auntie.
I heaved a sigh of relieave as i fixed the cage and put the "little thing" back in, where it belong.
Just very pity my mum, who has problem falling asleep last night...
Anyway, continuing with Bangkok trip, showing some of the interesting pics i took...
Elephant fashion show
Thais are so crazy about elephants, they even dress them up, in branded stuff!
Parting shot
Some colouful cakes from the roadside stalls...
--Signing off at--
11/05/2004 09:47:00 AM
Tuesday, November 02, 2004
Hello! I'm BACK!!
Yes, i'm back safety, and still in one piece. So happy to know that there are so many friends around that really care for me. Were worried about me when they heard about the bombing. Thank you Mel, thank you Jud. Love ya!!
Well, the situation there were not that bad, in fact, I only learnt of the bombing when i came back. Just felt wierd that why was there so many policemen on the street, that's all.
The trip there was good, Thailand had advanced so much, it's so different when i visited there like... 6 or 7 years ago! There's the Skytrain, expressways, nice shopping centers, even the people there had changed. They wore nicer clothes, and were more urbanised.
The first day there was majority company events--Golf, company's dinner etc... So, we only went MBK and bought some local stuff from my colleagues's friend's shop. So cheap!!
Some of the places i visit:
Tawangang German Brewery
there's performance as well...
Four-face Buddha
This's the famous Four-face Buddha. It's said to make wishes come true. I made 3 wishes, hope they will come true, even if it's just one.. If the wish really came true, one must go back to show appreciation.. You can buy a token (4 coconuts, 4 elephants, and 4 flower chain) or order a dance for the Buddha...
Hard Rock Cafe
The Hard Rock there was cool! The music was cool, the singers were cool and the crowd was wild. BUT, we gotta went out early, not shiok enough!! =(
There's only one word to describe the place--A Gigantic Suana
It's DAMN DAMN hot! But it's worth it! There's so many cool stuff to be found inside...
Have a peep!

Well well,
to be contin
--Signing off at--
11/02/2004 01:31:00 PM