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Monday, August 31, 2009
All things change for the better...

And for this, I introduce you to...


Please show your support at this new site from now on.
--Signing off at--
8/31/2009 08:03:00 PM

Saturday, August 29, 2009
I pass my final theory!!! After so many hurdles & hiccups.

1st attempt: booked, but was rejected by the officer as I only brought along the receipt of payment - naively thought they will allow me entrence. My IC was with the car dealer that time to process the car loan.

2nd attempt: I booked & forgot to attend.
Facing a mega crisis of my engineering program & completely slip it out of my mind. Yes, that's how deep I throw myself into work.

3rd attempt: I successfully attended & successfully failed it. Nothing came out from the book! Damn!

4th attempt: angry at how limited the books can help me, I register for trial test at Singaporetest.com. AND IT HELPS!!! 80% of the questions today was featured inside so needless to say... I PASS!

Now to pick up the phone & call the instructor for lesson. SDCC had all their lesson fully booked till Oct!
--Signing off at--
8/29/2009 12:25:00 PM

Greener pasture is always elsewhere
Friday, August 28, 2009
Real life evidence that pasture is always greener on the other side:

When in Lane 1, you think Lane 2 is moving faster. But once you get on Lane 2, Lane 1 seems to be the smoothest lane!
--Signing off at--
8/28/2009 08:37:00 AM

Final theory test
Is no easy feat. I sign-up myself for "pass or money-back guarantee" trial test at singaporetest.com. And after 7 very stressful attempt - finally scored a pass. One must have less than 4 incorrect answer to pass this test.

Now I am seriously stress!
--Signing off at--
8/28/2009 12:29:00 AM

salesman tactics
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Recently there is a new push-cart stall being set up at Centrepoint basement. And they are promoting hair equipment; it’s either a curler, or a flat iron that boost amazing technology that won’t “damage your hair”.

I’m perfectly fine with this.
Except that this push-cart employed some ang-moh guy who doesn’t take “No” as an answer, and he just simply couldn’t believe his ears when you tell him you are happy to with your hair and have no use for the equipment.

He always started with something sweet to capture the ladies’ heart, e.g. darling, you are so beautiful…. BUT I have something that could enhance this beauty. Uh-ha! Genuine praises don’t come with “But” Mister Plastic.

There is a fine line with being “friendly” to entice female customer, and downright pushy. And because their push-cart has been strategically position along the road to the B1 shops & ATMs, one has not choice but to take a deep breathe and dash across. In fact, I have realized more ladies are now cutting across McDonald’s if they just want to withdraw money from the ATM lobby peacefully.

Can someone pass them an application form for Marketing courses please!
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8/27/2009 10:05:00 AM

Tuesday, August 25, 2009
My first blog entry from iPhone! :D
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8/25/2009 11:33:00 AM

Where did the aborted foetus go?
Sunday, August 23, 2009
The Sunday Times make a report of the aborted foetus.

And the fact was greatly disturbing... I wished all these facts were made known to the public earlier. So people will not make abortion the first choice readily.

read the story HERE
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8/23/2009 08:08:00 PM

New Obsession
Sunday, August 16, 2009
My latest obsession has been the iphone. Everyday i use it to surf net, check email, access facebook AND loading stuff onto facebook. I check for new applications, played new games...

It had just opened my eyes to a new world of mobile technology.

So for all of you out there, if you are considering for a new phone - get this!
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8/16/2009 11:59:00 PM

Thursday, August 13, 2009
Been very occupied lately... not because of work, but the iphone. The stuff it can do truly amaze me. There are thousands of application outside, waiting for me to find out & explore.
And i'm not the only busy one...

See what's the latest craze for my brother:
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8/13/2009 11:54:00 PM

Two Side of the Coin
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Grumpy and I had yet another talk on the issues of punctuality.
And amidst the arguement, a statement came out...

"I had purposedly waited for you to knock off so I can fetch you home. Coz you told me you hated the taxi rides, they make you sick. And you can't rest coz the taxi-uncle keep talking toy you."

I haven't count on him to remember such a casual remark. Especially since that I had said this donkey-ages ago.

Sigh. How to be angry with this man!?


--Signing off at--
7/28/2009 12:54:00 AM

.: Moi:.

Free Photo and Video by myphotoalbum.com
.:Blank Talk!:.
Sometimes, pace of life become too fast. We last track of the things that means a lot to us. Like the little simple pleasures in life... Why not slow down the pace, and smell the flowers by the roadside.
.:What You Don't Know About Moi:.
That I am not loud
That I love time alone.. or with my princess!
That I like to eat Veges
That I am reserved...

.:My Wedding Blog:.
  • My Wedding
    .:Some Reads:.
  • Judy
  • Fiona
  • Ellie
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    picture design: © Alexander Karpenko 2005 | aikart@pisem.net or AiK-art
    skin: slayerette
    image font: adine kirnberg script
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