The truth is finally out.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
So it seems, Meimei is having a phobia of the pee-tray now. According to eye-witness (Mum), she was pooing a few days earlier, and the poo got stuck. How the poo got stuck, it’s due to the wonderful digestive system. When Meimei ingested hair accidentally, it got processed and come out with poo, but hair, being just a thread, will not get pull out entirely by the poo. So the result is… the poo is out, and it’s connected to the anal with a thread of… you guess it, hair.
Such incidents always freak the Princess out.
A few afternoons before, it happened again. Meimei freaked out and attempted to jump down from the tray. In her franticness, her force actually dislocates the tray from the position – Resulting in her skiing with the tray, for some distance.
THIS is why she refused to get up on the tray to pee.
And the poor silly girl, afraid of being spank by me, she only limit herself to peeing twice a day.
I have since removed the tray. Put back the old, trust-worthy newspaper for her. She did her first pee with the brightest smile, and come to me for lotsa lotsa hugs. As if to say,
“Thank you Jiejie, I can pee happily now!”
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4/28/2009 11:28:00 AM
Spare the Rod, Spoil the Child
Friday, April 24, 2009
Meimei had a spanking today.
It’s been ages since I really raise my hand at her. It pains me, but what had to be, has to be done.
Every morning, after I have changed & make-uped, I’ll have a cuddle with her before carrying her out to the living room. Out, she will say “Good Morning” to her teddy before heading to the kitchen to pee and wait for her morning treat.
This morning, I didn’t carry her to the living room as usual as I had my hands full of various items. I simply asked her to follow me. She didn’t, and I though maybe she wanted to sleep in a little (with the leftover air-con). Grumpy was sending me to work, so he was already in the living room, doing his morning prayers.
Before long, Meimei was calling from the room. Thinking I had forgotten about her.
Wesley went into the room to carry her to the living room. Once out, she came up to me, and peed right in front of me – Right smack in the middle of the living room, as if to say “this is your punishment for forgetting about me”.
She has to be smacked!
I’m missing her now. No doubt she would cry her eyes out. But I know I’ll still go home to a dirty-happy face, the usual bounce into my arms – flying style. She always thinks she’s doing the Caesar dogfood commercial.
Bad things aside. Some cute things to share:
Chewing teddy's ear
Bringing Teddy on a boat ride using Grumpy's giant shoe.
Labels: Yoyo
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4/24/2009 02:19:00 PM
A Storm...
Thursday, April 23, 2009
It looked like the strong gust of wind last night swept through the whole of Singapore. The Westerners (Jurong), Northerners (Woodlands/Yishun), Easterners (Tampines) and Southerners (Bukit Ho Swee) all experience it.
For myself, I was doing the laundry when it struck. Suddenly I saw dried leaves flying outside my 12-floor kitchen windows, twister-style. Looking up, the whole sky was red in colour. I got very excited, I went into Mum’s room, and open the window to the max. Mum’s room had an unblocked view all the way to Yishun and the full impact of the wind can be felt. I enjoyed the cold gush after so many days of oven-like weather. I watched the trees danced in the wind, people running and lonely plastic-bags flying. Clouds hung low and the lightning streaks were clear and frequent.
Yoyo was pretty freaked out, sticking to my feet like a shrunken mop of white fur.
On my mind was Daddy. I hope he’s safe in his 10-wheel tipper, protected against the wind. I hope he’s driving slowly and safely, now that he’s working night shift. Will the visibility be good on the road?
That’s me at 11pm, 22nd April. Enjoying the storm, missing Daddy.
I hope that woman didn’t throw away the framed picture of us that I had given him.
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4/23/2009 06:53:00 PM
3 symptoms of a Singaporean Driver
Sunday, April 19, 2009
1) When the light turns amber, you step on the accelerator and speed past it. You are not surprise that the cars on your left, right and back did the same.
(Grumpy is gulity of this)
2) When the light turn green, and swear & horn the car in front of you for slow reaction. "Must be an old uncle driver." However, when you are the first at the traffic light, and the car behind horn you, you swear again, asking if he/she is rushing to hell. You take the chance to "send your regards to the driver's mother"
3) When there's a traffic accident by the road, you slow your car to "tsk tsk", shake your head to show sympathy to the driver, and also to hope to catch a glimpse of the car plate number of the most crushed car.
on the side note, my basic theory test is set on 12th May. My very first step in joining the Sg-driver club - As above. LOL.
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4/19/2009 11:08:00 PM
A Simple Email...
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Is what it takes to topple the balanced scale.
But what may be going in the writer’s mind? Is it the green-eyed monster in him/her that prompts this tale-carrying email? Unhappy that the person might be more successful, more well-liked, or even prettier in appearance sense?
It’s apparent that this person seeks pleasure in the unhappiness that has been caused to the subject of jealousy. An unbalanced mind, sneaky character or who knows, hormones at work?
Well, it’s war.
One thing I’m sure, I don’t want to be caught in a cross-fire. Better pack my stuff and scoot!
Labels: work
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4/07/2009 06:27:00 PM
Friday, April 03, 2009
Maybe it’s the nonchalant ways, or maybe it’s the way he had fallen in love without realizing it. I know it! it must be the slight shadow of facial hair that I’ve always got a thing for…
I find him very attractive.

Go watch it, girls. You all know I’m not a fan of chick-flicks. But this one passed my review (if you asked me).
Labels: Reviews
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4/03/2009 12:35:00 PM